This Is The Best Time To Go Surf Fishing

It is now prime time and the proof is in the fishing! The surf is full of Blue Fish from two to six pounds. Along with the Blue Fish, there are plenty of Whiting with some up to two pounds. This is the best time to go surf fishing. Puppy Drum, Spots and Croaker are plentiful right now and it should remain good for the next few weeks. Pier fishing is also very good right now. Both piers are catching lots of Spots of average size. The real big Yellow Belly Spots are still north of here so that tells me we still have plenty of time! Both piers are also catching Blue Fish and Spots at different times of the day. Down the river, Spots are thick and there are some nice Grey Trout mixed in. Whiting are also down the river and some are real nice size. Offshore, King Mackerel have been hanging around the ten mile box cars and Grouper are thick around thirty miles out and around the red and white marker. You will still have plenty of time to catch some nice fish. Dress a little warmer and get out there! Keep fishin and releasin… Steve and Karen Labanec Seagull Bait and Tackle

Barbra Smith caught these Speckled Trout at 4 lb. and 3.5 lb. on October 17th, 2005.

J.W. Vestal caught this 8 lb. 7 oz. Flounder on October 22, 2005.

Van caught this 8.5 pound Sheepshead on October 18th, 2005.

Terry Payne and Becky Slate caught these ten Flounder on October 23rd, 2005 while fishing in Carolina Beach.

These guys caught twenty-two Flounder at the South End of the Island up to three pounds.

[tags]Carolina Beach fishing, Carolina Beach Fishing reports, cbfishing, Carolina Beach, North Carolina fishing reports, North Carolina fishing[/tags]