North Pier Catching Nice Size Flounder

The Fall Surf Fishing Tournament is coming up on October 7, 8, and 9 and this could be a great year for fall fishing. As for now, the surf is still producing lots of Croaker along with some real nice size Flounder and Whiting. Pompano are showing up in the surf. No real big ones, but plenty of small ones. By no means are we lacking Blue Fish. There are plenty around! Both piers are still reporting Spanish Mackerel and Blue Fish being caught early in the morning and late in the day. The North Pier is reporting some nice size Flounder from two to seven pounds. Slightly offshore, Spanish Mackerel and Blue Fish are feeding on Clarkspoons. We have also seen a lot of early season Grey Trout around any hard bottom area. Bottom fishing has also been rather good offshore when you can find a day with decent weather. Boats that have made it out to the Gulf Stream have had some great catches of Wahoo and Dolphin.

Jimmy Dorman and Robert Guthrie caught this large catch at the rocks at Fort Fisher.

Bill, Abby and Chris Gumpper caught this Red Drum fishing in the Cape Fear River.

Kristie Fesslek holding two large King Mackerel caught on July 26th, 2005.

Ben Nanhoy caught this 4.38 pound Flounder on August 12th, 2005.

Kevin McKoy caught this 5.3 pound Flounder in Carolina Beach.

[tags]Carolina Beach fishing, Cape Fear Fishing, CBfishing, North Carolina fishing[/tags]