Ode to Jerry Vance

Article by: B & B Bait and Tackle Fishing Report

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Well, it’s been another cold week at Carolina Beach. We have lost another good friend recently, Jerry Vance. Formerly of Winston Salem and now retired to Carolina Beach. In Winston Salem he owned Vance’s Auto Sales and Salvage. For those that do not remember the name but fished the fall surf fishing tournament, he was the weigh master at the North End. You might also remember him by the Chevy pickup with primed body parts listening to do-wa-didi oldies music. He loved the North End and loved catching mullet minnows and sand fleas. He kept old Phillip Trexler well supplied. He was a kind man, had long grey hair, and a grey beard. He is survived by one son we know of who fished a lot also. There will be a memorial at the North End soon. The time and date has not been set yet. So if you remember Jerry, call us and we will give you the info on when the service will be held. (910-458-7135) All I can say is we will miss you Jerry and if you and Phillip see fit while you’re looking down at us, let us have a good year fishing and maybe let me beat Harry G. one year! Another topic we need to talk about is the Carolina Beach Inlet. The dredging has stopped and they are removing the buoys right now! So those of you who use the inlet had better start writing your senators and congressman immediately! So long Jerry! Keep fishin and releasin!


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