Motts Channel still catching enough live shrimp

Article by: Mark Mayo

Still catching enough live shrimp to keep Motts Channel supplied and that tells me there are still some fish around. This warm weather sure is a pleasant change from some of our past years. I’m still around and Karen and myself sure are enjoying the free time.

Down the river you can still find some Virginia Mullet, Black Drum and a few croakers. Get up around the oyster rock and you will still find some Puppy Drum and lots of Speckled Trout.

The surf is still producing some Puppy Drum and Speckled Trout as well. Let’s hope this El Nino sticks around until spring. That would make for a real good spring mullet run. That usually starts around the middle of March.

Offshore, King Mackerel are still around the 15 mile range and bottom fishing is great when you can run 25 miles or more.

With this warm winter there will probably be an early return of bait to the river and waterway. I know you say it’s only the middle of January but the weatherman at NOAA says El Nino will stick around until mid spring. It was nice to have the opportunity – thanks to John Carty’s vacation – to write to you all and we miss you all as well. If you’re out fishing this spring and see that big yellow sea skimmer, come over and say hi!

Till then, Steve and Karen Labanec, Carolina Beach, NC

P.S. Make sure to get that fishing license!

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