let the pictures speak for themselves

Article by: Mark Mayo

Black Friday 79% Off

Hello everyone! Yes I am still alive, sorry for the lack of reports. Most of you already know we have 2 new boats for the 08 season, a brand new 22 Ranger with a 250hp Suzuki and a Custom Beavertail Flats boat with a 70 Yahama. I have been busy switching over to the new boats and have been really busy fishing. Today I had the Adrenaline Outdoors TV crew on board and we shot an awesome Spanish Mackerel show. Keep a eye out for it on the Sportsman’s channel in the near future.. The season is IN FULL SWING!!

This week I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves.


Capt. Matt Wirt
910-540-0570 Wilmington, NC

First Redfish on the Beavertail
First Redfish on the Beavertail.

First Flounder too!
First Flounder too!


Sharks on the flats!
Sharks on the flats!


more specks

more specks

98 years old and still fishing! AWESOME!!
98 years old and still fishing! AWESOME!!

The kings are on fire right now!
The kings are on fire right now!

Lots of Kings!
Lots of Kings!

Limiting out almost everyday on Spanish Mackerel.
Limiting out almost everyday on Spanish Mackerel.

The Spanish Action is intense! Lots of sight casting!
The Spanish Action is intense! Lots of sight casting!

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Black Friday 79% Off

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