King & Spanish mackerel, cobia, bluefish, sharks, beeliners, grouper, snapper

Article by: Captain John Carty

Black Friday 79% Off

On the piers catching some Spanish mackerel, flounder, sheepshead, black drum, Virginia mullet, blues, cobia, small croakers, sharks, & stingrays.

Offshore on the bottom catching black bass, beeliners, grouper, snapper, & ringtails.

In the ocean near shore catching King & Spanish mackerel, cobia, bluefish, & sharks.

In the waterways, bays, & river we are catching some puppy drum, black drum, sheepshead, speckled trout, flounder, black bass, Virginia mullet, pompano, small spots, bluefish, small croaker, stingrays & sharks.

In the surf catching flounder, puppy drum, black drum, bluefish, Virginia mullet, pompano, croakers, sharks, & sting rays. Keep fishing & stay safe.

Captain John Carty
Affordable Charters
910 616-3957

Hampton & Shawn caught some red drum while fishing in the lower Cape Fear River.

Barry Lucas caught this nice speckled trout while fishing aboard Affordable Charters.

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