Keep Fishin And Releasin
For those wishing to know, Saturday February 26th at 2:00PM on the North End will be the Memorial Service for Jerry Vance. Anyone who does not have a four-wheel drive vehicle and wants to attend can call 910-458-7135 or 458-9908 to make arrangements. As for fishing, well, it’s getting close. We have had a very mild winter that has kept the water temperatures in the upper 40-degree range. We are hearing of catches of Whiting down off Holden Beach and we know of a few people that are going to see what’s down there this week. Maybe next week we will have some good news. Right now you could pick a pretty day and run out about twenty miles offshore and catch some really big Black Bass. Also, a load of beeliners. Soon it will be spring, the days will be longer, and the Spots and Flounder will be biting again. Are you ready for it? This is the time of the year to do that maintenance you have been putting off all winter. Don’t wait until spring and expect to get that equipment fixed overnight. Start thinking about it now! Get ready, its less than thirty days till spring! There will be a “Save Our Inlets” Town Meeting held on March 3rd, 2005 at the Rotary Civic Center, Route 24, in Swansboro North Carolina (Just north of Wilmington.) The meeting is sponsored by the Onslow Bay Saltwater Fishing Club and the Tideland News. Local fishermen, boat captains, local elected officials, State Representatives and U.S. Senators and Congress persons are expected to attend along with the Alliance Of North Carolina Inlets (ANCI). Everyone is welcome to attend to express their opinions. Keep fishin and releasin!
- Cobia Off Masonboro Island
- B & B Bait and Tackle
- Big Yellow Fin
- Flounders Are Getting Bigger
- Red Drums Along Masonboro Island
- Mud Minnows
- Citation Size Pompano
- Carolina Beach, The North End
- Lock & Dam #1
- Freeman Park
- Kure Beach Pier
- Keep Carolina Beach Inlet Open!
- Trout In The Rocks At Fort Fisher
- Keep Your Worm A Wigglin’
- Fishermans Information Station
- Carolina Beach Inlet Must Remain Open At All Cost
- Ode to Jerry Vance