Nice Fish For Dinner

Have you stopped fishing for the year? Well, if you did your missing out! The piers are still catching lots of Whiting. No monsters, but some really nice fish for dinner. The surf has not slowed much either. They’re still catching plenty of Black Drum and Puppy Drum along with some small Whiting. It?s not too cold for the fish yet. So why are you at home waiting for spring? We have been hearing about a lot of Speckled Trout down in the bays and around the Carolina Beach Inlet. Stripe Bass are starting to show up in the river around the power lines and the Exxon dock mainly on Stretch 25’s. There are also plenty of Drum in the river. Offshore fishing reports are good but finding a day pretty enough to get out there is the problem. Keep fishin and releasin… Steve and Karen Labanec Seagull Bait and Tackle

Walter Brinegar caught this 3.6 pound Pompano last week.

Thomas Altieri caught this 60 pound Wahoo on November 11th, 2005.

John caught this 5.5 pound Red Drum on November 24th, 2005.

Bobby Huffman caught this 2.75 pound Pompano on November 9th, 2005.

Bo, Nick, Mark and Ray caught Grey Trout and Whiting fishing aboard a local charter boat.

[tags]Carolina Beach fishing, Carolina Beach Fishing reports, cbfishing, Carolina Beach, North Carolina fishing reports, North Carolina fishing, grey trout, wahoo, whiting, Pompano[/tags]