Cobias Are Plentiful

One thing is for sure; this week was as good as the last one. On Monday, the Kure Beach Pier reported some King Mackerel. One as big as 33 pounds. Both piers also are catching plenty of Spanish Mackerel and small Blue Fish. In the surf, Whiting and Flounder have been feeding regularly along with Blue Fish and some Pompano. Shrimp and Sand Fleas are the best bait. Just beyond the breakers, Spanish Mackerel are eating anything you throw at them and Cobia are hanging around the sea buoy and piers. Cobias have been a little more plentiful than in past years and that’s a good thing. Further offshore, there’s plenty of King Mackerel and Dolphin. If you prefer bottom fishing which has been excellent. On the Flounder and inshore fishing. The great Silver Lady Fish or Poor Man’s Tarpon have invaded the river and are a blast on light tackle. Puppy Drum are also on the move in the river and sound areas. Flounder, well, there are plenty of small ones from the inlet all the way through to Snow’s Cut Bridge. On occasion there are some big ones. Keep fishin and releasin! Steve and Karen Labanec Seagull Bait and Tackle 910-458-7135

Scott and Warren caught these large Drum on June 29th, 2005 in Carolina Beach.

Chris Clay caught this 6.08 pound Flounder on July 2nd, 2005 in Carolina Beach.

Austin Roberson caught this 6.74 pound Flounder July 5th.

Harry D. caught this Dolphin at 10 mile rock on June 27th, 2005.

Dustin Stalker caught this 5 foot 11 inch shark on July 4th, 2005.

Earl, Kelly and Kenny of Burlington, NC caught these fish on July 3rd, 2005.

[tags]shark, flounder, cbfishing, Carolina Beach fishing, Carolina beach fishing reports, king mackerel[/tags]