The Trout Bite is ON

dicks-nice-trout-november-8-2009.jpgHi Folks,
Can you believe it? Everything is setting up for a big trout run and here comes the remnants of Ida. Sunday the water was clear, the bait was thick, the winds were light and variable, and the trout were biting. Now we have wind and rain and rain and wind for the next couple of days. Ah, the tribulations of serious trout fishermen. But, lots of good fishing is still ahead.

Now here’s my report:

Inshore: Water temps are around 66-67. Bait is thick, the fall type bait, shiners and such…the kind trout love. Speaking of trout, they are biting well at the inlets, around the marsh grass banks behind Riches, and up the creeks. Some juvenile reds are biting soft plastics inshore in the creeks and waterway. Black drum are biting fresh cut shrimp. A few flounder are still around for the time being, but most have moved to the ocean.

Near Shore: Bluefish have been thick around the mouth of the inlets. Big reds have been patrolling the surf. They look like big black clouds, literally hundreds of fish. Gray trout are biting jigs at the near shore reefs. False albacore have been around in large and small groups and can be caught with fast moving jigs or on the fly.

Offshore: Kings have bunched up a bit at the 10 mile area, but are more prevalent further out. Some good bottom fishing form 12 to 30 miles out.

Gulfstream: Wahoo and blackfin tuna have been the main catches when boats could get out.

Upcoming: Trout fishing is really just getting started, so look for that to improve steadily. We have some nice pics of fish we have caught, like the one posted with this report on my site and more pics can be seen at my photo gallery. My winter schedule is pretty much set at this point. The Raleigh show kicks things off January 8-10, followed by the Greensboro show January 22-24. Then we go to New Jersey for the Atlantic City International Show, February 3-7 and finally in March, the Somerset Saltwater Fishing show March 19-21. And of course on February 27, we will have the Rod-Man Fishing School at the Raleigh State Fairgrounds; bigger and better this year with new speakers, door prizes and good food, not to mention a full day of fishing education. Limited seating is available, so get you registration in early. You can find out more at Annual Rod-Man Fishing School
Until Next Time….

Capt. Rick Bennett
Rod-Man Charters