Big Red Drum at Carolina Beach

nice-drum-frank-and-pat.jpgHi Folks,
When we are not catching spanish we are fighting some pretty nice red drum on lite tackle. Spanish macs have been the fish of this season thus far, but we cannot forget our popular inshore friends the reds, flounder and trout. Fall fishing is just around the corner and all three will be chomping.

A note for your address book. I am changing my email address to please make a note or change in your address book. Thank you.
Now here’s my report:

Inshore: Red drum continue to supply a lot of action. Best bait is finger mullet fished on carolina rigs around heavy structure. Large flounder are biting near the inlets and the cut. Same bait, same rig for flounder.

Near Shore: Spanish macs continue to produce big catches. I have the best luck with #1 planers and 00 clarkspoons on 35′ 25# leaders. I also use a bird rig on top with a spinning rod.

Offshore: The king bite continues to do well in the 10-25 mile range with still some mahi and a few sails in the mix. Slow trolling with live menhaden, ballyhoo and cigar minnows will do the trick.

Offshore: A small marlin, only 1228 pounds, was caught off Oregon Inlet recently. Congrats to the captain and crew.

I am happy to announce a new sponsor. Island Tackle and Hardware, located in Carolina Beach has joined the Rod-Man Team. They will be at our 2009 Fishing School offering great deals on all the best tackle. Be sure to stop in and check out their store. They are expanding by over 50% and the expansion should be complete within two months in time for holiday shopping. Welcome Dennis and Wanda and staff.

Time is flying and soon we will be in the middle of fabulous fall fishing and then we will be in boat show season and my fishing school in Raleigh on February 28, 2009. Stay tuned for all the details. Just a hint, with everything going up in price I have decided to REDUCE the price of the best fishing school in North Carolina. More later.

Its time to gear up for fall. Check out Bug-em Bait and Island Tackle for all your needs. Until then,

Capt. Rick Bennett
Rod-Man Charters