Fishing Report speckled trout, flounder, bluefish, black & red drum, croakers, pigfish

Article by: Captain John Carty

Black Friday 79% Off

In the surf catching bluefish, flounder, black & red drum, stingrays & shark.

On the piers Spanish mackerel, flounder, a few black drum, a few small spots, Virginia mullet, king mackerel, croakers, sharks, & stingrays.

Inshore speckled trout, flounder, bluefish, black & red drum, croakers, pigfish, stingrays, & sharks.

Offshore on the bottom grouper, snapper, grunt, ringtails, pinkies, black bass, & shark. On the top dolphin, king mackerel, barracuda, wahoo & shark. Keep fishing & stay safe.

Fishing tip of the week: When you are done fishing instead of throwing back your live bait it’s a good idea to freeze it in zip lock bags for future use. It could come in handy if we have a hurricane or for this winter when live bait is hard to come by. Keep fishing & stay safe.

Buck & Bobby caught some nice red drum while fishing in the Cape Fear.

The Pierce family caught some nice red drum while fishing in the Cape Fear River.

Captain John Carty
Affordable Charters
910 616-3957

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