Nearshore Trolling Techniques for an Exciting Day!

Nearshore Trolling Techniques: Small boaters are very lucky to live in our SENCLAND area as the nearshore opportunities for different fish is outstanding. On a calm day, slight or no swell, light wind and seas where our inlets can be easily passed by any size vessel, fisherman can cover a lot of various territory. We […]
Fishing in May is Golden

As winter ebbs into spring, May arrives and one can feel the summer months coming on,…finally. Today the SENCLAND area is warming rapidly, water temps are approaching the 70 degree mark, and the Pogeys (a favorite spring time baitfish) are signaling the arrival of spring are thick in the River basin, just the right size […]
Flounder from an Artificial Perspective

Since we cannot keep flounder of any size according to the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), at least for now, I suppose we are allowed to catch and release flounder. From a mortality perspective I would expect using artificials would be less compromising to the fish since they are more likely to be lip hooked. […]
So you want to do a Fishing Charter

Winter’s over and Spring and Summer are coming on and so are your thoughts of the beach, the sun, a vacation, and wouldn’t it be nice to do some fishing? Yes, a great family and friends affair. Fishing is a primary outdoor recreation enjoyed by many, but how can I arrange this? It’s new to […]
How to Get your Kids into Fishing (And Keep Them Into Fishing)!

How to Get your Kids into Fishing, with spring coming on and Summer just around the corner, many concerned parents are looking for a family activity that is outdoors and child friendly, especially in this day of quarantines and isolation. Fishing is a great way to spend a family day, picnic, yet still social distance […]
You’re Ready but is your Tackle and Gear?

Spring is here and you’re ready to fish, but is your tackle? It’s been a while since your gear was stored, so is it ready to land that biggun’ tomorrow if he bites? Now’s the time to make sure your hooks are sharp, the line is fresh, and all your equipment functions perfectly….then you will […]
Spring Time Mullets

There is a no better eating fish than the Virginia Mullet or “Whiting” as it is known here in South Eastern N C (SENCLand), and this ole’ Mullet provides a lot of sport to our surf, bank, and boat fisherman too! When they’re biting, they can be caught by the hundreds and provide a great […]
Local Carolina Beach fishing in the month of April

As we approach April, 2020, with Covid 19 as a backdrop, I am not sure what actual fishing will take place. Hopefully we can all get back on the water sooner than later. As water temperatures ease over sixty degrees, inshore and near shore fishing starts to expand and by month end explode. Inshore red […]
How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 5)

While only five segments can only give you a rudimentary introduction to custom rod building, this is the final segment. I would like to remind you that anyone interested in going further, I do teach custom rod building in detail. You can find more information on my website listed below Now on to securing and […]
How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 4)

The next thing we need to do is put some guides on the rod. There are many manufactures of guides, some great, some good and some not so good. Since I started building rods in 1984, I have been a strong proponent of Fuji guides. Even their low end guides are good quality and their […]