How to surf fish for bull reds

Table of contents: Surf fishing for bull reds How to land a bull red in the surf How big can these bull reds get More about bull reds habitat What’s the best bait to catch bull reds Surf fishing for bull reds can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you […]
Flounder in the Cape Fear River

Flounder are a type of flatfish that can be found in the Cape Fear River and its tributaries. There are several species of flounder that can be found in the river, including Southern flounder and Gulf flounder. Flounder are bottom-dwelling fish that are well adapted to life in the shallow, muddy waters of the Cape […]
Striped bass in the Cape Fear River

Striped bass, also known as rockfish or stripers, are a popular game fish that can be found in the Cape Fear River and its tributaries. Striped bass are native to the Atlantic coast of North America and are known for their strong fighting ability and good taste. In the Cape Fear River, striped bass can […]
What’s so special about The Cape Fear River?

The Cape Fear River is a major river located in the southeastern United States, running through the states of North Carolina and South Carolina. With a length of over 200 miles, the Cape Fear River is an important natural resource for the region and has played a significant role in the history and development of […]
Top 4 fish to target in Carolina Beach, NC

Some of the most sought out fish, both for sport and for table fare, are flounder, redfish, whiting and speckled trout. Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics, fishing methods, and frequent habitats of these four popular fishes. For best times of the year to fish, and the best tides, check any good […]
Choosing the right fishing line

There are so many brands of fishing line available it may be hard to choose which one is right for you. Besides the number of brands, you need to consider the many different kinds of line when making your choice. Quite frankly, for the beginner and even for some of you seasoned veterans the right […]
Better Casting Can Mean More Caught Fish

In my years as a professional charter captain and guide, you might be surprised at how many of my customers do not know the proper techniques to good casting. Knowing how and when to employ a certain type of casting is very important to your fishing success. Let me try to walk you through this […]
Saltwater Fishing late May and into June

King mackerel will show in good numbers during this time. Most of the fish will be of the smaller size, but a few big ones will be caught. There are many places to fish for kings and there are many ways to fish for these fast pelagics. Let’s look at the many options. Kings can […]
Fishing The Famous and Infamous Fort Fisher Rock Wall

Fort Fisher Rock Wall One of our most famous fishing spots in SENCland is also a recognized famous historical site. But the Fort Fisher Rock Wall can also be infamous to foot fishermen for its treacherous slippery footing! Located at the end of Highway 421 South, The “Ft. Fisher Rock Wall” in the lower Cape […]
Surfishing 101 | Surf Fishing North Carolina

Spring is coming strong and the waters here on the Carolina coast are warming, and so is the desire to spend some quality time outdoors! What better place to be than on a lovely stretch of beach barefooted, toes and legs in the warm waters bring caressed by the waves rolling in to shore, sun […]