Red Drum Fishing

Julio Garcerar caught a 27 1/2″ red drum on 06/25/2009 while,vacationing at Bald Head Island fishing with the Cape Fear Guide. Red drum are beginning to show up,and are fighting hard !
King Mackerel

Now is the time to do some slow trolling, with live bait,king mackerel are biting about 2 miles off Carolina Beach,N.C. Trent Peacock land a nice king,fishing with Capt.Mike Dennis this morning.
Speckle Trout & Flounder

Inshore fishing is improving every day,lot’s of menhaden in the river,and waterways,makes getting live bait easy. I fished the rock wall just south of Fort Fisher the last couple of days,catching flounder,speckle trout,and lots of bluefish. Best bait is the carolina rig, with live menhaden anchor or drift fishing will produce fish.
Red Drum biting at the inlet

On April 15 2009 I had the pleasure of taking Ron Naummowicz and his daughter Tara fishing,skies were cloudy,but the wind was light making a descent day to fish. Found the Red Drum to be biting at the inlet,caught a couple of slot size red drum,black drum, bluefish, and flounder with several releases on 16″ […]
Cape Fear Guide Fishing black drum biting

I ran my first charter of the 2009 Spring fishing season on April 8 finding the black drum biting well on shrimp fishing on the bottom. Mike, Blaine, and Evan Wasson were on their first ever fishing trip, they were seeing the black drum come in the boat steady for about and hour,great to see […]
Winter Time Fishing

Carolina Beach,Inlet produced a steady bite today of Black & Red Drum lot’s of reds 14′ to 17″ long. Some slot size reds were also caught,along with some several good size black drum. Weather was really warm today,making for a great winter day of fishing in the Cape Fear Region of North Carolina.
Red Drum & Black Drum

I fished on November 28,this past Friday with mild temperatures,and sunny skies just a beautiful day to be on the water,Kevin Kim from Charlotte was on-board fishing with me. I started out at Carolina Beach Inlet,catching red drum from 14″ to 16″ lot’s of action just not the legal slot size fish,all fish were released. […]
NC Red Drum Fishing

Red Drum are still being caught in the creeks just off the Cape Fear River Capt.Mike Dennis had the pleasure of taking John M Pearson from Durham,N.C. on a Red Drum charter today.Slot size Red Drum were caught on cut bait.
Cape Fear Red Drum Fishing

Red drum fishing is back to normal now,with all of the bad weather passed we have have several days of light winds,water is beginning to clear with the cooler night time tempertures the drum are fighting really hard. King mackerel have been biting well just off Carolina Beach,N.C. within two miles of the inlet a […]
Cape Fear Guide Fishing Tropical storm Hanna

Tropical storm Hanna has passed the Cape Fear Region now, tides have not yet returned to normal but the red drum bite seems to be still going strong. I fished on September 9th,just off the Cape Fear River on a 1/2 day charter, with everyone onboard catching slot size red drum, and a few nice […]