King mackerel, dolphin, red drum, black drum and more

Inshore we are catching some nice red drum, black drum, blues, flounders, spots, gray trout, speckled trout and croakers. On the piers they are catching about the same as last week. Virginia mullet, flounder, bluefish, spots and croakers. In the surf, people are catching pompano, flounder, puppy drum, Virginia mullet, black drum, bluefish, spots and […]
Puppy drum, flounder, bluefish, Virginia mullet and more

In the surf there are reports of puppy drum, flounder, bluefish, Virginia mullet, croaker, black drum and pompano being caught. On the piers, people are reporting catches of flounder, spots, Virginia mullet, bluefish, croaker, black drum and still a few sheepshead. Offshore, there are reports of king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, mahi mahi, sailfish and white […]
Fort Fisher surf fishing report

Fort Fisher Surf Fishing report, let’s get to it… This week has been a little slow in the surf, but there are still reports of Virginia mullet, bluefish, flounder, black drum and red drum. On the piers there are reports of flounder, Virginia mullet, speckled trout, bluefish, pigfish, black bass, and flounder. Offshore on the […]
Carolina Beach fishing for flounder in the mouth of the Cape Fear River

Time to start fishing for flounder in the mouth of the Cape Fear River. On the piers people are reporting catches of spots, flounder, Virginia mullet, bluefish, croaker and black drum. In the surf, people are reporting catches of black drum, Virginia mullet, bluefish, flounder, croaker and pompano. Inshore we are catching red drum, flounder, […]
King mackerel, dolphin, sailfish and Spanish mackerel, get in on the action.

On the piers they are reporting good catches of spots, flounder, Virginia mullet, blue fish, croaker and black drum. In the surf there are reports of spots, croaker, puppy drum, flounder, bluefish, black drum, pompano, Virginia mullet and sharks being caught. Offshore, there are reports of king mackerel, dolphin, sailfish and Spanish mackerel being caught. […]
Fort Fisher fishing report after tropical storm Ernesto

Fort Fisher fishing report after tropical storm Ernesto, let’s get to it… In the surf there are reports of puppy drum, flounder, blue fish, Virginia Mullet, croaker, black drum and still a few sheepshead. Offshore there are reports of king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, mahi mahi, sailfish and white marlin. On the bottom people are catching […]
Shallow Water Fishing Tips for Carolina Beach

Inshore, shallow water fishing people are reporting catches of large bluefish, speckled trout, red drum, flounder, croaker, Virginia Mullet and sheepshead. In the surf, people are catching flounder, bluefish, puppy drum, croaker and Virginia Mullet. On the piers people are reporting catches of croaker, flounder, bluefish, black drum, and sheepshead. Offshore there are reports of […]
We have a great fishing charter fleet here at Carolina Beach

Our fishing charter fleet here at Carolina Beach is great for all fishing enthusiast. Book a fishing trip. Now let’s get to the report. On the piers people are reporting catches of croaker, flounder, black drum, bluefish and sheepshead. In the surf, people are catching flounder, bluefish, puppy drum, croaker and Virginia Mullet. Inshore, people […]
Fishing for flounder in Carolina Beach is not a problem

Fishing for flounder is no problem in Carolina Beach. Let’s find out here they are… On the piers people are reporting catching croakers, flounder, bluefish, sheepshead and black drum. In the surf people are reporting catches of flounder, bluefish, puppy drum, croaker and Virginia Mullet. Inshore, people are reporting catches of speckled trout, flounder, bluefish, […]
The Best Flounder Fishing Tips and Tricks

Report: Best Flounder Fishing Tips and Tricks, let’s get to it… In the surf people are reporting catches of puppy drum, flounder, blue fish, croakers and sharks. On the piers, people are reporting catching croakers, blue fish, flounder, sheepshead and black drum. Inshore, people are catching speckled trout, red drum, flounder, croakers, blue fish, Virginia Mullet, […]