Good catches of bonito and the first big spanish

Inshore: Fishing has been good one day and slow to stopped the next. This is fairly typical in the spring and totally unpredictable. On the good days we did have some nice action on reds and blacks. Best bait has been shrimp fished on a carolina rig with a #2 wide bend hook. The live […]
Hire inshore fishing guides

Fishing tip of the week: For you fishermen that hire inshore fishing guides, if you intend to target drum, flounder, or trout try to keep it to 3 or less anglers. You will have a lot more fun, especially this time of year. If you catch 10 or less this would be a good day, […]
Spanish mackerel have shown up as well as some bonito

Fishing tip of the week: In the past week Spanish mackerel have shown up as well as some bonito. Best spot is right outside of Carolina Beach inlet. In the surf red & black drum, speckled trout, a few small flounder, Virginia mullet, croaker & shark. In the surf bluefish, red & black drum, Virginia mullet, & […]
Inshore fishing has been really good

The inshore fishing has been really good lately with catches of red drum, speckled trout, black drum, flounder and bluefish. Many of the red drum are over the slot, drag screaming fish and a blast on light tackle. The trout are not as thick as they were but are larger fish, 2 to 3 lbs. We are picking up a few flounder mixed […]
Fishing tip of the week

Fishing tip of the week: This is the time of year that fishing starts to pick up a little bit in the waterways, river, & bays. But don’t forget that it’s just May. Don’t let your expectations be too high. The good fishing starts when you start seeing lots of minnow & shrimp. This will […]
Inshore Reds and trout are biting

Inshore: Reds and trout are biting in the inlets, the ICW and the river. Best baits right now are GULP SW and fresh shrimp or cut bait. A few flounder are starting to show up…a bit on the smaller size. Near Shore: Bluefish are just about everywhere. Catch-em trolling Yozuri Deep Divers or jigging with […]
Surf fishing reports are good

Fishing tip of the week: For those of you that like to surf fish the reports are good. This past week there were some large red drum caught on the north end (Freeman Park) & a lot of very large blue fish. Best time has been late afternoon. In the surf lots of big blues, some […]
Speckled trout bite

Inshore – The speckled trout bite has been on fire, we tried a variety of artificial lures and it seems the new penny DOA did very well. the blues are also in the inlets and we really had a blast sight casting to these guys using Gotcha Plugs and Mira Jigs. Just a hint look […]
Inshore Carolina Beach fishing

Inshore Carolina Beach fishing – the water temp is up and getting better as days go on. So book your trip today for a fun day of fishing. Virginia Mullet is still biting well around the Bald Head Island area, fresh shrimp not frozen on a two drop bottom rig works well. Also some really […]
Inshore fishing is picking up

Inshore fishing is picking up due to the rising water temperature. Some good catches of Virginia mullet, lots of small croaker, small spot, some speckled trout, a few gray trout, flounder, red drum, & good catches of black drum. On the piers Virginia mullet, croaker, nice size bluefish, & a few small flounder. On the surf there […]