Cape Fear River grand slam

Cape Fear River grand slam, check out the photos with this grand slam. Flounder, Blues, Red Drum, Speckled Trout these guys had a blast. Inshore – the Flounder fishing has been great now the Finger Mullet have finally moved in which is even better. Speckled Trout fishing is still doing well in the Cape Fear […]
Fishing is on fire

Hi Folks, Fishing is on fire this past week. Spanish mackerel head the list with reds a close second. We even caught a nice king on a 1/4 oz. “Maria” jig. Please see the photo gallery on my website for all the pics. Now here’s my report: Inshore: Redfishing has heated up and fish are […]
Inshore Fishing

The inshore fishing continues to be good with catches of red drum, speckled trout, flounder, black drum, sheephead, spanish mackerel and bluefish. I have been concentrating my efforts on redfish and speckled trout lately and picking up a few flounder, black drum, ladyfish, and bluefish mixed in. The spanish mackerel have been thick right off […]
Fishing and catching everyday

Hi Folks, Whew, what a week, plus. We have been fishing everyday and catching too. Flounder, reds and spanish have been our main catches, but lots of other fish are biting as well. Now here’s my report: Inshore: Flounder are biting at the usual spots near the inlets and in the waterway. The river is […]
Cape Fear River Fishing tip of the week

Fishing tip of the week: This time of year it is a lot of fun to go to the mouth of the Cape Fear River & hook up with large black tip & hammerhead sharks. If you want to catch a 75 to 125 pound shark you need a heavy duty rod & reel, 40 to […]
It’s very important to get a good weather report

Fishing Tip#61420 is about weather conditions. The day before you go fishing it is very important to get a good weather report paying special attention to tides and wind direction. Some fishermen make their mind up where they’re going to fish & don’t take into consideration wind direction. Think about the wind & think about the […]
Catching barracuda, king mackerel, & dolphin

Fishing Tip #61320: is on setting the hook for inshore fishing. I have noticed a lot of my charters go into the panic mode when they have a small bite. As soon as the fish comes in contact with the hook, don’t jerk jerk jerk, let the fish pull then set the hook. Keep the […]
Offshore large king mackerel, wahoo, & dolphin

Fishing Tip #61220: There is no doubt that live minnows work better than dead minnows. But sometimes they are hard to get. In the dredge hole the peanut pogge(menhaden) are very plentiful. I’ll go catch several dozen, & ice them down good. Then when I get home I put them in small ziplock bags & freeze […]
Cape Fear River fishing for Virginia mullet

Fishing Tip #61120: The wind has finally let up enough where we were able to get out to the mouth of the Cape Fear River & fish for Virginia mullet. But the croaker are so thick it’s hard to get past them to see what else is there. Hopefully the croaker will move out soon […]
Caught & released 28 lb red drum

Fishing Tip #61020: In the past week Spanish mackerel have shown up as well as some bonito. Best spot is right outside of Carolina Beach inlet. What’s Hit’n: Caught & released a 28 lb red drum next to the Bald Head Island marina entrance while fishing for Virginia mullet. In the surf catching a few black drum […]