BONNETHEAD SHARK – Sphyrna tiburo
Family Sphyrnidae, HAMMERHEAD SHARKS Description: broadly widened head in the shape of a shovel; only slight indentation of anal fin; front of head not notched at midline; gray or grayish-brown in color. Similar fish: other hammerhead sharks. Where found: INSHORE species found in bays and estuaries. Size: commonly 3 to 4 feet. Remarks: matures at […]
Family Sphyrnidae, HAMMERHEAD SHARKS Description: fifth gill slit shorter than 4 preceding ones and located posterior to pectoral fin base; flattened head extending to hammerlike lobes on each side; distinct indentation of the front margin of the head at its midpoint; second dorsal fin longer than tail; gray-brown to olive in color with white underbelly; […]
BLACKTIP SHARK – Carcharhinus limbatus
Family Carcharhinidae, REQUIEM SHARKS Description: dark bluish gray (young paler) above, whitish below; distinctive whitish stripe on flank; inside tip of pectoral fin conspicuously black; dorsal fin, anal fin, and lower lobe of caudal fin also black-tipped in young, fading with growth; 1st dorsal fin begins above axil of pectoral fin; snout long, almost v-shaped […]
BLACKNOSE SHARK – Carcharhinus acronotus
Family Carcharhinidae, REQUIEM SHARKS Description: distinctive dusky smudge at snout tip (more prominent in young); no dark tips on fins; pale olive-gray above, whitish below; 1st dorsal fin begins above rear corner of pectoral fin; no mid dorsal ridge; upper teeth very asymmetrical, those toward front coarsely serrated at base. Size: to 1.5 m (5 […]
SANDBAR SHARK – Carcharhinus plumbeus
Family Carcharhinidae, REQUIEM SHARKS Description: snout broadly rounded and short; first dorsal fin triangular and very high; poorly developed dermal ridge between dorsal fins; brown or gray in color with white underside; upper and lower teeth finely serrated. Similar fish: dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus; bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas. Where found: NEARSHORE fish typically found at […]
ATLANTIC SHARPNOSE SHARK – Rhizoprionodon terraenovae
Family Carcharhinidae, REQUIEM SHARKS Description: long and flattened snout; white trailing edge of pectoral; black-edged dorsal and caudal fins, especially when young; may have small whitish spots on sides; furrows in lips at the corners of the mouth; outer margin of teeth notched; second dorsal fin originates over middle of anal fin; brown to olivegray […]
SHORTFIN MAKO – Isurus oxyrinchus
Family Lamnidae, MACKEREL SHARKS Description: lunate tail with similarly sized lobes; lateral keel at the base of the tail; deep blue back and white underside; underside of sharply pointed snout white; origin of first dorsal entirely behind base of pectoral fins; second dorsal fin slightly in front of anal fin; slender, recurved teeth with smooth […]