GAG – Mycteroperca microlepis
Family Serranidae, SEA BASSES AND GROUPER Description: brownish gray in color with dark worm-like markings on sides; strong serrated spur at bottom margin of preopercle, less noticeable in large specimens; fins dark, with anal and caudal having white margin; often confused with black grouper; most noticeable differences are brassy spots on black grouper; tail of […]
JEWFISH – Epinephelus itajara
Family Serranidae, SEA BASSES AND GROUPER Description: head and fins covered with small black spots; irregular dark vertical bars present on the sides of body; pectoral and caudal fin rounded; first dorsal fin shorter than and not separated from second dorsal; adults huge, up to 800 pounds; eyes small. Similar fish: other grouper. Where found: […]
ROCK SEA BASS – Centropristis philadelphica
Family Serranidae, SEA BASSES AND GROUPER Description: color olive-bronze, with dark blotches forming vertical bars; dark black blotch on middle of dorsalfin base; tip of lower jaw purplish; bright blue and orange stripes and markings on head and fins; fully scaled nape; tail tri-lobed in adults. Similar fish: bank sea bass, C. ocyurus; other Centropristis. […]
BLACK SEA BASS – Centropristis striata
Family Serranidae, SEA BASSES AND GROUPER Description: basic color dark brown or black; dorsal fin has rows and stripes of white on black; large males have iridescent blue and ebony markings, and fatty hump in front of dorsal fin; females may have indistinct vertical barrings; topmost ray of caudal fin much elongated in adults; caudal […]
BANK SEA BASS – Centropristis ocyurus
Family Serranidae, SEA BASSES AND GROUPER Description: pale olive or brassy-brown in color with indistinct black blotches that form vertical barrings (the blotch above pectoral fin darker); wavy blue lines on head lips purplish-blue; caudal fin tri-lobed on adults; edge of nape unscaled. Similar fish: rock sea bass, C. philadelphica; other Centropristis. Where found: OFFSHORE […]
TARPON SNOOK – Centropomus pectinatus
Family Centropomidae, SNOOKS Description: only snook with 7 anal fin rays (others have 6); lower jaw curves upward; compressed body; prominent black lateral line extends through tail; tips of pelvic fins reach beyond anus. Similar fish: other Centropomus. Where found: INSHORE; requently in fresh water. Size: usually less than 1 pound (12 inches). Remarks: maximum […]
SWORDSPINE SNOOK – Centropomus ensiferus
Family Centropomidae, SNOOKS Description: smallest of the snooks; profile slightly concave; prominent lateral line outlined in black (not solid), extends through caudal fin; color yellowgreen to brown-green above, silvery below; giant second anal spine, hence the name; largest scales of all snook. Similar fish: other Centropomus. Where found: occurs in INSHORE estuarine habitats from south […]
COMMON SNOOK – Centropomus undecimalis
Family Centropomidae, SNOOKS Description: distinct black lateral line; high, divided dorsal fin; sloping forehead; large mouth, protruding lower jaw; grows much larger than other snooks; pelvic fin yellow. Similar fish: other Centropomus. Where found: from central Florida south, usually INSHORE in coastal and brackish waters, along mangrove shorelines, seawalls, and bridges; also on reefs and […]
FAT SNOOK – Centropomus parallelus
Family Centropomidae, SNOOKS Description: deeper body than other snooks; yellow-brown to greenbrown above silvery on sides; black lateral line extends onto tail; mouth reaches to or beyond center of eyes; usually no dusky outer edge of all snook. Similar fish: other Centropomus. Where found: INSHORE species found in mangrove habitat; found commonly in fresh water; […]
BALLYHOO – Hemiramphus brasiliensis
Family Exocoetidae, FLYING FISHES Description: tip of lower jaw and upper lobe of caudal fin orange-red; pectoral fin short; tip of pelvic fin extends past beginning of dorsal fin; dorsal and anal fins unscaled. Where found: young are pelagic; adults abundant in bays and nearshore waters, near reefs Size: up to 16″ Mark MayoI research […]