DOG SNAPPER – Lutjanus jocu
Family Lutjanidae, SNAPPERS Description: color brown with a bronze tinge, lighter on sides; canine teeth very sharp, one pair notably enlarged, visible even when mouth is closed; in adults, pale triangle and a light blue interrupted line below the eye; no dark spot on body underneath dorsal fin. Similar fish: schoolmaster, L. apodus (no white […]
CUBERA SNAPPER – Lutjanus cyanopterus
Family Lutjanidae, SNAPPERS Description: color dark brown or gray, may have a reddish tinge; broad-based triangular tooth patch on roof of mouth without a posterior extension; despite its specific name, which translates to “blue-fin,” the fins have only a slight tinge of blue; canine teeth in both jaws very strong; one pair of canines enlarged […]
BLACKFIN SNAPPER – Lutjanus buccanella
Family Lutjanidae, SNAPPERS Description: color generally red, with yellowish caudal, anal, and pelvic fins; distinctive and prominent dark comma-shaped blotch at the base of the pectoral fins, which gives the fish its common name; anal fin rounded; no black spot on side underneath dorsal fin. Similar fish: other snappers. Where found: adults OFFSHORE near continental […]
TRIPLETAIL – Lobotes surinamensis
Family Lobotidae, TRIPLETAILS Description: head and body variously mottled, tan to dark brown; fins (except spinous dorsal and pectoral fins) almost black; pale olive band across base of caudal fin; broad, dark brown bar from eye across cheek below corner of preopercle, and another from upper corner of eye to beginning of dorsal fin; two […]
AFRICAN POMPANO – Alectis ciliaris
Family Carangidae, JACKS Description: Body is deep and compressed. Coloration is metalic -blue above, silvery below. Snout is blunt. Pelvic fins are longer than the maxilla. Second dorsal and anal fins are falcate. Size: to 91cm (3 ft.) and 19 kg (42 lbs) Where found: Young are found in the open ocean. Adults are found […]
ATLANTIC BUMPER – Chloroscombrus chrysurus
Family Carangidae, JACKS AND POMPANOS Description: silvery to golden below; anal and caudal fins yellowish; conspicuous black saddle on caudal peduncle and small black area at edge of opercle; lower profile more arched than upper profile; lateral line strongly arched toward front. Size: to 30 cm (1 ft.). Where found: one of the most abundant […]
LEATHERJACKET – Oligoplites saurus
Family Carangidae, JACKS AND POMPANOS Description: body silvery, bluish above; fins yellow; rear parts of dorsal and anal fins consist of a series of finlets; spinous dorsal fin has 5 well-developed, unconnected spines; lateral line nearly straight; scales tiny, embedded; skin appears smooth. Size: to 30 cm (1 ft.). Where Found: enters bays and estuaries, […]
HORSE-EYE JACK – Caranx latus
Family Carangidae, JACKS AND POMPANOS Description: similar in shape to the Crevalle jack, but front of head less steep; blackish blotch at edge of opercle small, poorly defined, or absent; no dark blotch on pectoral fin; entire chest scaly except in individuals less than 75 mm (3 in.) long; scutes usually blackish; caudal fin yellowish; […]
LOOKDOWN – Selene vomer
Family Carangidae, JACKS AND POMPANOS Description: silvery, iridescent, sometimes with brassy highlights; body extremely compressed and deep, platelike; front of head very steep; lobes at front of soft dorsal an anal fins very long; pelvic fins small; lateral line arched toward front. Young: spines at front of dorsal fin and rays in pelvic fin streamerlike. […]
BIGEYE SCAD – Selar crumenophthalmus
Family Carangidae, JACKS AND POMPANOS Description: eye very large – diameter greater than snout length; no detached dorsal and anal finlets; two widely separated fleshly tabs on inside of rear edge of gill chamber; scutes present only on rear part of lateral line. Size: to 60 cm (2 ft.)., but usually less than 30 cm […]