Atlantic bonito have been caught at the near shore AR’s. Bluefish have been plentiful.
Hi Folks,
We have had some nice moderate temperatures early this spring, but the winds have been anything but moderate. Water temps are in the mid-60’s but it is blowing a near gale. Here’s my report:
INSHORE: Black drum, red drum and a few flounder are biting fresh bait and artificials. The best bites have been in the creeks, the waterway and the inlets.
NEAR SHORE: Some Atlantic bonito have been caught at the near shore AR’s. Bluefish have been plentiful.
OFFSHORE: More bonito in the 10 mile areas.
GULFSTREAM: No reports due to wind.
Cape Fear River: Trout and reds are biting in the lower Cape Fear.
UPCOMING: Look for fishing to explode when these fronts and winds settle down.
Until Next Time… LET’S GO FISHING!!!
Capt. Rick Bennett

A lifetime fisherman, Capt. Rick Bennett, better known as the Rod-Man,has retired from the day to day activities as a charter boat captain but does offer “ON YOUR BOAT” Guided Fishing Trips. Capt. Rick will show you the when, the where and the how. From rod and reel selection to terminal tackle to bait, Capt. Rick has the know how.
- Choosing the right fishing line
- Better Casting Can Mean More Caught Fish
- Saltwater Fishing late May and into June
- Flounder from an Artificial Perspective
- Local Carolina Beach fishing in the month of April
- How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 5)
- How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 4)
- How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 3)
- How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 2)
- How to Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rods (Part 1)
- Surf Fishing Carolina Beach, North Carolina (Part 2)
- Surf Fishing Southeastern North Carolina (Part 1)
- Exciting shark fishing for everyone.
- Fishing for Mahi-Mahi
- “Specialty” Gear for Inshore Fishing
- Fishing for Spanish Mackerel
- Cobia fishing trips and tips, hard fighting, good eating
- Fishing tips on how and where to catch Black Drum
- How to catch Speckled Trout fishing tips and tricks
- How to catch Flounder, flounder fishing tips and tricks
- How to catch redfish, red drum fishing tips and tricks
- Reds and trout and some flounder are biting on artificials
- The wahoo bite is good and some blackfin tuna and sailfish are in the mix.
- Kings are still way out, but the Gulfstream is producing wahoo and blackfin tune.