King mackerel, Spanish mackerel, flounder, red and black drum

Article by: Captain John Carty

Black Friday 79% Off

On the piers starting to catch some King mackerel, Spanish mackerel, flounder, whiting, red and black drum, bluefish, croakers, blowfish, sharks and stingrays.

In the waterways, bays, and river catching red and black drum, a few flounder, speckled trout, an occasional gray trout, whiting, croakers, pigfish, small black bass, a few blowfish, sharks, and stingrays.

Fishing is still a little slow but the menhaden are starting to show up. Bait showing up should make for some better fishing in the coming weeks. If anyone has any fishing pictures they would like to shares please email them to Keep fishing and stay safe.

Captain John Carty
Affordable Charters

Blast from the past:

Lin from Sweden caught Virginia mullet
Lin from Sweden caught Virginia mullet fishing with Captain Mike Harrison.

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