SILVER SEATROUT – Cynoscion nothus

Article by: Mark Mayo

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Family Sciaenidae, DRUMS

Description: pale straw-colored above, silvery sides and white below; no distinctive pigmentation, although faint diagonal lines may be present on upper body; 8 to 9 rays in the anal fin; large eyes; short snout; one to two prominent canine teeth usually present at tip of upper jaw; lower half of tail longer than upper half.

Similar fish: other seatrouts.

Where found: most common over sand or sandy mud bottoms OFFSHORE along both the Gulf and the Atlantic coasts of Florida.

Size: usually no more than 1/2 pound (less than 10 inches).

Remarks: smallest seatrout; spawns OFFSHORE in deep water during spring, summer, and fall; feeds on small fish and shrimp.

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