SAND SEATROUT – Cynoscion arenarius

Article by: Mark Mayo

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Family Sciaenidae, DRUMS

Description: pale body color, yellow above, silver to white below; one or two prominent canine teeth usually at tip of upper jaw; inside of mouth yellow; no well-defined black spots on back; 10 to 12 soft rays in anal fin; no chin barbels.

Similar fish: silver seatrout, C. nothus.

Where found: a Gulf species, that may occur in the Atlantic waters of extreme southeastern Florida; adults predominantly found INSHORE residing in bays and inlets, but may move OFFSHORE during winter months; young occur INSHORE in shallow bays.

Size: usually less than 1 pound (10 to 12 inches).

Remarks: matures during first or second year; prolonged inshore spawning season extends through spring and summer; feeds mainly on small fish and shrimp.

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