Safety Tips For Your Fishing Trip

Article by: Mark Mayo

Safety Tips For Your Fishing Trip: Last week I wrote about exploring the river for new fishing spots. There are a few very important safety tips I need to tell you about. The first one is logs. When the river makes extremely high tides, large logs will float off the banks, so keep a very sharp eye out for any floating objects. Another hazard is big ships. These ships push so much water that after the ship passes, if you are near shore you will see the water sucking out from under your boat and then comes the tidal wave. You do not want to be in this situation. The way to avoid this is before the ship gets to your location, move into deeper water. You will not even feel the wave in deep water. As soon as these waves hit shallow water you will see the chaos they cause. If the river pilots that drive these ships see you near shore they will warn you by blowing their horn.

Near shore, surf, pier and inshore, fishing has really had a temperature drop in the past week.

What few fish are still around are going to be hard to catch. A few nice warm days will get them biting again.


Keep fishing and stay safe.
Captain John Carty
Affordable Charters

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