Practice Your Casting!

Article by: Captain John Carty

Black Friday 79% Off

Inshore, people are catching croakers, a few Virginia mullet, black and red drum, speckled trout, stripped bass and catfish. No report for surf fishing. Offshore, people bottom fishing are catching black bass, grouper, flounder and grunts. This week’s fishing tip is on casting. If your casting ability is not very good and you would like to improve it, it is very easy and fun to practice in your yard. Just set up a bucket or some sort of target and practice casting towards the target. Being able to cast to a strategic spot will greatly improve your catches. Keep fishing and stay safe. Captain John Carty Affordable Charters

Debbie Carty caught and released this nice red drum aboard Affordable Charters.

Jacob from Ronoke, VA, caught and released this nice red drum aboard Affordable Charters.

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