All Salt-Water Fishermen Must Have A Fishing License.

Article by: Captain John Carty

Black Friday 79% Off

Offshore there are still some king mackerel being caught. On the bottom people are catching gag, red and scamp grouper, pink snapper, black bass, grunts and ringtails. Inshore, the water temperature dropped to the mid 40’s which has slowed down the fishing. Still we are catching a few trout, black drum, red drum, catfish and striped bass. This week’s fishing tip: As of January 1, 2007, all salt-water fishermen must have a fishing license. If you fish on a pier or charter boat they will have a blanket coverage that will cover you for that day. Island Tackle and Hardware will be a certified location for purchasing saltwater and freshwater fishing licenses. Keep fishing and stay safe. Captain John Carty

Dean and Eileen caught these gag groupers on December 11, 2006.

Price, Bogey and Andy caught this stringer of fish aboard Affordable Charters.

[tags]fishing,carolina beach fishing,carolina beach fishing reports,fishing north carolina[/tags]

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